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Think Out Of The Building

There are two such important relationships in this world, in which it is very important 
to have faith, one is the faith of humans on God and the second one is student's unwavering/unbreakable faith in his/her teacher, if we search the definition of the word trust on Google then we will get more than a million definitions, one of which is "Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone and something". And just like that, I also have a different definition. From the perspective of a facilitator, so trust is a seemingly unbreakable relationship that connects two souls with the whole world that too for all eternity. Trust is the first dazzling start of a new morning that gives a sense of being on the whole day, and we are able to realize this feeling in four ways 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Writing 4. Reading.

Today everyone says that it is most important to have attention/ focus to learn and 
understand anything or rather attention is the most important asset of 21st- Century, but I would argue that the most important asset today is 'Trust' that students must have at teacher and teachers must have at students which surrounds your four pillars of learning.
Trust can increase focus but with focus, we can't reach on the height of trust. I know some of you will agree with me and some of you will not because of your own past experience, and that's fine.

Your disagreement shows that you have read my thoughts so carefully that you want to make the world aware of the new light of your argument, and this has been possible because  you believe in my thoughts and read it and that belief increased your attention span.



  So hope you have understood by now that in order to learn or understand anything, we will have to make a connection between these four Pillars listening, writing, speaking, and reading, which of course will not be made in an hour, a day or a month. For this, you have to keep striving in your whole life and these efforts are not any physical effort but these efforts are spiritual, whose basic basis is faith and patience. So now the question arises that will it be enough for the students to trust the teacher to learn or understand anything? And the answer is absolutely no. Here, it is as important for the teacher to have faith in his students as the birds flying in the sky have faith on their two wings, that is, one wing is the teacher here, and the other wing is the student here who have the courage to fly very high together by tearing the air-filled.

After so much reading and understanding, you must be feeling very much connected and good because in this entire article I have not only mentioned the four Pillars for students but they are equally important for the teachers as well and somewhere  you all do agree with me. And this consensus shows that you need a facilitator, not a teacher to learn and understand anything new, One who is a true friend of yours and a very good critic who always walks with you step by step in this infinite destination of learning. 

What do you think please let me know.


  1. In any relation, trust is very important for a better future of that relation. Overall, very nice point of view.

  2. Relatable to our life, somewhere we all need a person who guides us.

  3. This is truth...Amazing 👍
    loved it and thanks for lovely thoughts..keep it up😊


  5. It is very good. Thank you😊

  6. Mind blowing story 🤗🤗🤗 we should trust our facilitater and trust is so important for us.


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